Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Part One: Family

A person normally gives up a few things to become apart of this family lifestyle. And not always the most obvious such as: giving up your wild and reckless weekends with friends, to be home with the wife and kids. It can be as simple as a child that gives up the last Oreo, in the little plastic tray, to his mother when she gets home for a rough day at work, just to take that weary, sad expression off her face and replace it with a smile. To me that is the beauty of a family, with every sacrifice comes an even greater reward in return.

Let me give you the "definition" of a family as you would find it in the dictionary: "a social unit living together"! Nope, not even close!!! So when two young guys are randomly paired together in a college dorm room together, they are a family? They are a social unit. They do live together. Boom! They're a family?! NO! In my opinion you don't even have to live in the same country. By my own interpretation of the definition, a family is....: "Two or more people that can't (emotionally) live without one another" So basically if one of your family member ceased to exist tomorrow you feel pain for the rest of your life. That is the best way I can figure out to physically explaining true love, because I know if my wife or kid were not here tomorrow....the pain....don't even want to think of it!

Families, in my opinion, are what make this world turn. They are what keep us selfless and strong. If a family lifestyle didn't exist, could you imagine how much more of a "me first" world this would be. This is, once again in my opinion, why God gave us this timeless and ageless gift of Love, so we my share the greatest joys in our lifetime with people we so deeply care for, as preparation for an eternity of Love for him.

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